Hearing from a totally irreputable source on the internet that there was a minuscule possibility that the Frosty Treat was open, we decided to go on an adventure.
It was a sunny and warm afternoon, so Kate, Laura, Isaac, Connor and I ventured to Kensington to get some ice cream at the Frosty Treat. Known for its delicious soft-serve ice cream, diner food, and annoying commercials ("Don't drive by! Drive in!"), The Frosty Treat has become a favourite of anyone within an hour drive of Kensington.
We weren't going to miss an opportunity to go there on such a nice day. but by the time we had gotten close to Kensington the sun had left and was replaced by some dreary clouds that were definitely foreshadowing the fact that Frosty Treat would be closed. Seeing this once we arrived we changed our game plan and booked it to Summerside in search of Micheal's Pizzeria. After a couple calls and some u-turns we found the place and put in an order for a giant pizza. Having twenty minutes to spare we wondered around the bustling city center that is Downtown Summerside. On our walk we discovered stickers advertising www.vampirefreaks.com, were made fun of for taking pictures, and were belatedly April fooled (we think) by the Baptist church. It was an interesting walk to say the least. The Pizza was pretty good too.
Later that night I picked up my friend Bethany and we headed downtown to see 'The Lesson' at the Guild. It was a one act play put on by a local theatre troupe called Sheep-for-Wheat. It was hilarious, dark, and very well orchestrated. Chris, Meaghan, and Kelsey put on a very convincing performance. Major props.
Even later that night I met up with Katie, Tristan, Chris, and Jeff and drove out to Al Doug's for his birthday party. It was whitetrash/southern style themed; this made for some interesting costumes, especially Tristan's :S *shutters*. Jeff decided on the spot to become a southern baptist minister and I became the liberal vegetarian cousin from New York who was in town for a family reunion. I couldn't find my cutoff jean shorts, so it had to do. It was a good time, but I was definitely ready to go once 3:00am rolled around and everyone seemed sufficiently drunk.
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