Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven

Day Thirty-Seven - April 21st, 2009

Whenever I'm at home and I'm really bored, I like to cook food. I never have a recipe, and I really have no idea what I'm doing. The only skills I have are those I've picked up from living with my mom, The Iron Chef of Sherwood. I know what flavours I like, and have a pretty good sense of what goes well with what, so things usually turn out well.

For not doing anything today, other than working for a couple hours, it was a pretty sweet day. I woke up to my mom bringing in a fedex package this morning. It was my Eurail pass! Came with a great map too. I now have almost everything I need to get to (and around) Europe! I also spent my $35 Bookstore gift card on a notebook, pens, and new headphones for the trip. I managed to get my taxes done tonight too, so I'll have another $500 dollars to bring with me.

The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Annual General Meeting is coming up soon too, only a few days before we leave. It is being hosted in PEI this year, so I've been asked to help out as much as I can. If anyone wants to help out, just let me know, I think there is going to be a UPEI Shinerama booth of some sort. Should be a fun weekend. Its going to make for a busy week of preparation though. Bring it onnnnn.



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