Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day Forty-Six

Day Forty-Six - April 30th, 2009

Another busy day.

-Went shopping with Laura and Elisha for some last minute necessities for the trip.
-Met up with Matt Gill. Took some photos of him for a possible album cover.
-Went to Carver's and watched The Office and 30 Rock with him and Sarah.

Tomorrow I am going to a dinner for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundations Annual General Meeting. Afetrwards I may go see the Barnkats and the Northlakes play at the Murphy Center.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day Forty-Five

Day Forty-Five - April 29th, 2009

Today i realized how to spell forty. Bravo.

Wednesdays are always sweet. We get together and eat Formosa, then we sit around and watch ANTM and Lost. We do this no matter what. We could have an exam the next day or have to be up at six the next morning for work, it doesn't matter. We never play Settlers of Catan on Wednesdays anymore, which is sad, we should probably bring that back.

Tomorrow is my last day of work before we head out. Although I can see myself spending a lot of time in the office photoshopping this weekend.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day Forty-Four

Day Forty-Four - April 28th, 2009

Best photo-shoot to date; I am really starting to get the hang of it.

I took pictures for Sunsets on the Eastside tonight. It was a very gratifying experience. I usually feel kind of awkward when I'm taking pictures, but I actually felt competent as photographer tonight. As exhausting as it was, the shoot went very well. I took over 600 shots and I'd say most of them are usable. Allison (above) and Kirstin were fantastic models, especially for having no prior experience. I was impressed; they caught on quickly! Also, thanks to Jackie for her excellent direction. Always helps these things go faster and smoother.

Anyway, I am super tired and it is 2:00am, I think its time to go home.



Monday, April 27, 2009

Day Fourty-Three

Day Fourty-Three - April 27th, 2009

Busy day.

I'm stretching myself too thin. I keep trying to do too much in one day. Too many hangouts and too many photo-shoots and too much work. Not that i didn't enjoy the hangouts or photo-shoots (I did very much!), it's just that I need to have some time to relax and get my shit together. I really haven't had a chance since school ended.

That's alright though, just over a week and we'll be flying into Europe. Booo ya. Speaking of Europe, Laura and I booked our first hostel tonight. We will be staying right across the street from Megan in Edinburgh!



Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day Forty-Two

Day Forty-Two - April 26th, 2009

Goodbye James. He leaves for his own euro-adventure on Tuesday.

No big update today; I didn't do too all that much. I spent most of the day driving home from Halifax with Laura and Jen, which was good, but tiring. I made it back in under three and a quarter hours, I thought this was pretty respectable considering what i was driving (2000 Dodge Caravan). Moments after I got home Tristan picked me up and we went to the Frosty Treat for ice cream with Katie, Connor, Jeff'm, and another car full of hooligans. As tired as I was, this was also a lot of fun. I am loving how many frosty treat adventures we are going on. Feels like summer, especially with the weather we've had lately.



Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day Forty-One

Day Forty-One - April 25th, 2009

The plan went off without a hitch. My parents are now in Rome and I got to spend the day in Halifax with Jen, Laura, and David (Laura's brother). We ate out at some great restaurants (Star Anise and The Wooden Monkey), sat atop Citadel Hill, and went to the Boxer the Horse show at The Seahorse. It was funnnnnnn.

We also watched two movies at David's house that have changed my life: Total Recall and The Room. The first was actually an amazing movie, even if Arnold Swarssgnfgsdfas can't act. His one liners are great and their attempt at creating a futuristic world in 1990 was awesome. The second movie was easily the WORST movie I have ever seen. Terribly shot, horribly acted, and sooo poorly written. That being said, this movie was phenomenal and everyone should find it and watch it. You will laugh so much; especially when you know that the movie is completely serious, and that it was funded (all $6000000), directed, and produced by the one man. The same man who stars in the movie. I could imagine it being weird to watch by yourself, but with a small group of people it is incredible. Especially the awkward sex scenes and the terrible (incredible) dialogue.



Friday, April 24, 2009

Day Forty

Day Forty - April 24th, 2009


This afternoon Darrah picked me up to go for lunch. We went to the Monsoon Tea House for some Tea and Sushi. Because of its strange hours, 11:30-3 (or something equally ridiculous), I never get the chance to go there. I actually thought the place had been closed down for the past couple years. No joke. It was delicious, and I plan on going back soon.

After lunch we went to Darrah's mom's office to check out the cute kitten that she was looking after. As you can see from the picture above, it is definitely "bawwwomgkittin" worthy. What made it even more adorable, was that it was about the size of the PAW on the giant Newfoundland Dog we saw just moments earlier. Seriously, it was gigantic, but very friendly as well.

Later in the evening Laura and I concocted a master plan to get us to the Halifax Airport next Tuesday. It is SUPER complicated (boring), but it means that I will be spending the better part of tomorrow, and some of Sunday, in Halifax. Woo woo. It also means that we have to drive them there in less than five hours. Hmm, should probably get some rest.



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day Thirty-Nine

Day Thirty-Nine - April 23rd, 2009

Its still 12 days before we leave for Europe, but I am already packed. This is mainly because my parents leave for their trip in two days, and my mom insisted I be packed before they go. I think she is convinced I will forget everything if I don't get it done now. Ah well, it was good to get it out f the way. Made me realize what I still have to pick up before I leave.

Things I am bringing with me:

-3 Short-sleeve t-shirts
-2 Long-sleeve t-shirts
-1 Button-up shirt
-1 Cardigan
-1 Hoody
-1 Belt
-1 Rainjacketinabag
-2 Pairs of jeans
-2 Pairs of shorts
-4 Pairs of boxers
-5 Pairs of Socks
-1 Light sleeping bag
-1 Laura's travel guide
-1 Eurorail pass, plus the attached map/guides
-1 iPod
-1 Nikon d80, with 50mm+shitty17-55mm+charger+ remote shutter release
-3 Juggling balls
-1 Journal, with pencil, pen, and notepad
-1 Deck of cards
-1 Mini checkerboard
-1 Mini Connect-4
-1 First-aid kit
-1 Bottle of sunscreen
-1 Stick of Oldspice
-1 Money belt
-1 Passport
-1 Debit card
-1 Credit card
-60 Euro
-50 British Pounds
-1 Combination lock
-2 Luggage locks
-1 Bunch of elastic bands
-1 Roll of duct-tape
-1 Roll of electical tape
-10 AA batteries (don't think I will need these)
-1 Can of nice smelling stuff
-1 Toothbrush, tube of toothpaste, roll of dental floss.
-3 Tins of vitamins/Tylonal
-1 Electric razor (although I doubt I will end up shaving)
-1 Ridiculous comb from 1992 McDonald's happy meal.

I was amazed that this all fit into my backpack; I was also surprised how small you can compact a pair of jeans.

I now have a week and a half to get my life in order before I go. Yikes.



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day Thirty-Eight

Day Thirty-Eight - April 2nnd, 2009

Today I was invited to Carver's for a BBQ. One of his bands, Milks and Rectangles , are recording a CD and Carver finished his drum tracks, so he decided to have a few people over to celebrate. It was a good time, a lot of BBQ veggie burgers, a few beer, and some really funny people.

One of those people being Daniel Ledwell, who was producing Milks new record. He isn't super famous or anything, but I do enjoy (and listen to) his music quite a bit, so I was kind of awestruck to be sitting around laughing with someone like him. It also provided for some laughs whenever Nathan was casually looking at my iPod and announced, "Oh, you have Dan Ledwell on your iPod". hah

That, combined with Allison getting the best photo on ANTM, made for a pretty solid day.



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven

Day Thirty-Seven - April 21st, 2009

Whenever I'm at home and I'm really bored, I like to cook food. I never have a recipe, and I really have no idea what I'm doing. The only skills I have are those I've picked up from living with my mom, The Iron Chef of Sherwood. I know what flavours I like, and have a pretty good sense of what goes well with what, so things usually turn out well.

For not doing anything today, other than working for a couple hours, it was a pretty sweet day. I woke up to my mom bringing in a fedex package this morning. It was my Eurail pass! Came with a great map too. I now have almost everything I need to get to (and around) Europe! I also spent my $35 Bookstore gift card on a notebook, pens, and new headphones for the trip. I managed to get my taxes done tonight too, so I'll have another $500 dollars to bring with me.

The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Annual General Meeting is coming up soon too, only a few days before we leave. It is being hosted in PEI this year, so I've been asked to help out as much as I can. If anyone wants to help out, just let me know, I think there is going to be a UPEI Shinerama booth of some sort. Should be a fun weekend. Its going to make for a busy week of preparation though. Bring it onnnnn.



Monday, April 20, 2009

Day Thirty-Six

Day Thirty-Six - April 20th, 2009

lol jeff is gettin' sooooooo high off dem chips omg we luv 420!1!. Just kidding, but we did find it quite funny that there were 420g in that bag of chips. The 'smoke' isn't real, just poorly photoshopped.

Today was great. Kate invited us over for a sweet summer BBQ. We got some movies from jumbo and a ton of food from the superstore. Even though we* weren't smoking pot, like many do on this day, we made sure to show our support by getting a lot of munchies anyway. The chip aisle was ravaged by the time we got there.

The BBQ went well. We ate delicious food and watched Kill Bill on Blueray. There was so much detail that you could see Uma's pores and the strings holding up the model plane. We couldn't figure out if the last one was intentional or not, but it ruled either way. Fun night.



Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day Thirty-Five

Day Thirty-Five - April 19th, 2009

For the most part today was spent recovering the sleep I lost last night. I did, however, manage to get out of the house for a little while. If I hadn't it would have felt like such a waste of a day.

I stopped by the apt. Laura is housesitting this evening to help her tidy up from the party and fold up the ridiculous futon. She is pretty much finished housesitting at that place, this would be kinda sad if it weren't for its lack of internet connection. I will miss the cat though.

Afterward I went for a walk around town and took a few pictures on the parkade. Cliche, I know, but I was bored and had slept all day, so I needed to do something. All I had was my Nikon D80 and a 50mm lens, so I didn't have much to work with, but I got some cool pictures. I especially like the one that I posted above. I would love to go back there some night when I have a couple flashes on me. Also, the new building they are putting up on Fitzroy looks incredibly easy to sneak into. Getting in there to take a couple pictures would be amazing.



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day Thirty-Four

Day Thirty-Four - April 18th, 2009

Notice Sarah's facepalm.

Not gonna lie, I'm a little late making with the update, but Last night (Saturday) was pretty exhausting, so you'll have to excuse me.

Laura is house-sitting for a friend of hers, so she decided to have a party to celebrate exams being finished, or something like that. It was quite the night. I'm really tired though, so I don't think I'm going to go into great detail about what happened. Plus, if I did, you would probably think a lot of my friends are morons, and/or very gay. Your would probably be right, but believe me, it just wouldn't translate well to a blog post. Just know that everyone got very drunk, there was a lot of joking about a certain person's genitals, Jeremy and Woodsie are lyrical geniuses, there were a few 'prank' calls, and an exciting trip to China Garden.

The end of the night was pretty funny as well. Five-six people cramped onto a folded out futon, watching Veronica Mars until 6:30am. We attempted to sleep, but only Richard could manage to get any Zs. He actually slept sound from 6-11:45am. He even managed to sleep through us talking and laughing around him, a smoke detector going off, and Jeff making pancakes in the same room while the rest of us watched TV.

Probably not the craziest party to ever happen, but it was definitely memorable for all involved.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day Thirty-Three

Day Thirty-Three - April 17th, 2009

Success! We made it to the Frosty Treat!

We decided to drive to Kensington once again, this time for Choose Your Own Adventure Day V2. It was a cold day, but we wanted to continue the tradition that we started last year, so we loaded up my van and headed out. In the spirit of the day we ventured off the beaten path and explored some crazy dirt roads with my Minivan, eventually arriving at our destination. This should not be attempted by anyone who is not me. I'm pro at minivans.

Tomorrow night Laura is having a parrrrrtayyy at her place. It should provide for some goodtimes and hopefully some funny pictures.



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Thirty-Two


Today was great. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do all of things I wanted to accomplish, as my plans were quite ambitious, but I managed to do everything on my list.

I worked all morning in order to bank some hours lost earlier in the week due to exams. Then, after work Kailee and I wandered around campus taking pictures with an old camera from work (Bronica S2A for those who may care). I'll put them up on flickr whenever I get them developed. I think it went very well.

Afterward, Kailee and I went back to the studio to meet up with Nathan, to do his headshot. I've known Nathan since highschool, but we're not very close. We're the kind of friends that say hi when we see each other in the hallway, but never really hangout. So, naturally, we resorted to talking about highschool, and the conversation ended up being quite hilarious.

Laura picked me up after her exam and we headed in town for our Europe meeting. The meeting was fun, and now we are proud owners of $800 Eurail passes. Yay. After the meeting, Jen, Laura, and I watched 4 episodes of Veronica Mars and laid around being all sleepy and stuff.

That is how I want to spend the rest of my summer break. Just taking pictures and lazing around watching Veronica Mars. It doesn't get any better... well, I guess if Veronica Mars were real and my friend, then it would get better, but until then.



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day Thirty-One

Day Thirty-One - April 15th, 2009

It was really nice out today, so I walked to work.

Great call Patrick, great call. It was the perfect spring day.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy, photo-filled day.
-At 10:30am I am helping Shelly take pictures of Canine Acupuncture in the studio.
-At 5:00pm I am taking pictures of Kailee with the Bronica we have at work.
-At 7:00pm I am taking a headshot in the studio for an actor friend of mine.



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day Thirty

Day Thirty - April 14th, 2009

Today brought with it the end of exams and the start of my summer vacation.

The exam kinda sucked, but I'm just glad to be finished. Nothing could get me down really. All I have to worry about now is taking picture and getting set to go to Europe! Speaking of which, we leave in twenty days! Woah.

Tomorrow I am going to work in the morning, and then I'm going curling for the last time with Carver Sarah and Tim. Followed by some Lost chez Laura. It should be a good day.



Monday, April 13, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine

Day Twenty-Nine - April 13th, 2009

Chloe and Tim's girlfriend (Erica) were home for the weekend from Montreal/Ottawa, so Tim and I took them curling. Jillian joined us for a while as well, as you can see from the picture. hah. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to catch up with Chloe; I hadn't seen her in a year.

Curling has always been a part of my life, for as long as I can remember. My parents both curled for years before I was born, and my dad has been the head bartender at the curling club, here in Charlottetown, my entire life, so it is not surprising that I have grown up playing the sport. I started playing when I was in the first grade. My cousin Matt and I would go to the curling club every Tuesday and Thursday and goof around on the ice for an hour, then my mom would take us to go buy POGS at the dollar store. We were actually pretty stellar for our age, and I have so many ridiculous little trophies to prove it.

In my later elementary school days I started to resent the fact that I curled, I guess because it wasn't perceived as being as coooool as hockey, but I am really glad that I stuck with it. Curling has brought me all over the country, and that is more than most kids who played hockey can say. I had the chance to play in tournaments as far away as Victoria BC and Stephenville Newfoundland. Curling also has an amazing ability to attract the nicest people in the world, and I have been lucky enough to become friends with a lot of them, even if I only get to see them once or twice a year, in the dead of winter.

Turning 21 is actually pretty significant in the curling world, as it means I can no longer compete in junior tournaments. I am officially an adult in curling terms. Because of this I think I will take a couple years off from curling, I'm not going to have enough time to play against 40 year-old men every weekend, but I will be back someday. That's one of the great things about curling, it's like riding a bike, once you learn how to do it, you never really forget.



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day Twenty-Eight

Day Twenty-Eight - April 12th, 2009

Meet Bennet. He is the newest member of our family and my first cousin once removed, I do believe. He loves the camera.

This morning I woke from an incredible sleep. It was fueled by a fun, but exhausting, day at the market yesterday. It wasn't until I went out into the kitchen that I realized that it was Easter, though. Mom had laid out some candy for me and my brother (he doesn't even live with us hah). I even won $13 on the Easter themed scratch ticket. Woo.

Later on I went to my grandmothers house for Easter supper with most of my relatives. It was a fun, and it was a good chance to get to see them all before I leave for Europe. My grandmother gave me a little care package; which includes, among other things, a first aid-kit, a sewing kit, sunscreen, and a hair comb which quite obviously came out of a McDonald's Happy Meal from ~1986. It rules.

Other than that all I did was watch ANTM Cycle 9 and think up a bunch of sweet photoshoots for the summer. I can't wait for nice weather so I can take some pictures outside. If anybody is interested in modeling, give me a shout!



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day Twenty-Seven

Day Twenty-Seven - April 11th, 2009

Saturday April 11th 2009

7:30am - Alarm went off. Woke up. Well back asleep.
7:45am - Woke up again.
8:00am - Ate breakfast.
8:15am - Left for new temp-job at the Farmer's Market.
8:30am - Started washing dishes/hanging out with Darrah and Kira.
10:00am - Tristan and Katie stopped by for a while.
1:00pm - Kailee and Jeff'm stopped in for almost two hours.
2:40pm - Stopped washing dishes!
2:50pm - Went to the bulkbarn with Kailee and Jeff'm to get dill pickles and snacks.
3:10pm - Ate delicious pickles.
3:30pm - Found Katie, Tristan, and Christabelle.
4:15pm - Played Madden 2008 against Tristan.
5:00pm - Lost horribly to Tristan.
5:30pm - Played sweet beats on an old Casio keyboard.
6:00pm - Stopped playing sweet beats :(
6:30pm - Kailee and I reminisced about highschool as she drove me home.
7:00pm - Internet.
7:30pm - Facebook.
8:00pm - Ate some delicious bread that Darrah gave me from the market.
8:30pm - Started to watch The Royal Tenenbaums.
8:31pm - Fell asleep.

Sunday April 12th 2009

11:30am - Woke up.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Six - April 10th, 2009

Tonight I went to the Benevolent Irish Society to check out a show. There were a bunch of bands from PEI and a couple from off Island. All in all is was a pretty good time. The bands were great (even though I'm not a huge fan of hardcore/metal) and there were a lot of great people there (JOSH COLES). The crowd was sooo young though, most of the people there couldn't have been 14-15 years old. As old as it made me feel, it did make me think back to when I was their age and I was starting to go to shows and how great it was.

I've been going to shows since August of 2003, just shortly before entering highschool. I'm really glad I became part of the "scene", it has opened me up to so much different music, and it allowed me the opportunity to meet some of my closest friends. The best of which I met at my very first show, but that is another story. I think that getting involved in a local music scene is a great opportunity for any young teenager. It allows them, especially the awkward ones, a place to go to let off some of their angst in an accepting and exciting environment. Much better than getting into drugs and crime, or sitting in your room playing video games(The latter can most definitely be debated). It also provides youth with direct access to art that isn't taught in schools. I honestly owe a lot to the music scene here on PEI, and I know the same can be said for a lot of Charlottetown youth. I believe that going to shows not only allows you to blow off some stress, but it opens you up to an entirely new culture and it lets you be apart of something that is much bigger and more important than any class room or hockey team.



Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Twenty-Five

Day Twenty-Five - April 9th, 09

Late night semi-celebratory ice Cream parties, boo ya.

I think it was after the fifth time I called home from school with a belly ache that my mom started to think something was wrong with me. She knew I wasn't faking it, because I think I set the record for the most public pukings that year (throwing up grape juice in front of your class=hilarious/embarrassing), so she set out to figure out what was making me sick. My mom is a pretty smart lady, so it didn't take her long to figure out that it was milk I was drinking at lunch everyday that was causing me to upchuck. Once I got the official diagnosis from the doc my milk tokens were traded in for Juice tokens faster than you could say cheese.

I got used to being Lactose Intolerant pretty fast and it never really inconvenienced me beyond a slight upset stomach when I'd forget to take my pill before eating some pizza. I actually ended up growing out of it entirely in grade ten, just shortly after becoming a vegetarian. I never figured out if that was a coincidence or not. Oh well, just glad to be cured.

Looking back on all the soy milk and Lactese pills I've consumed over the years, I have to consider myself to be pretty lucky. I could have had it much worse; I could have been born with Celiac disease, or worse yet, Cystic Fibrosis or Cancer. I can't help but think that someday I'll be diagnosed with a terrible disease, but until then, yay for being relatively healthy!

Would anyone like to hang out tomorrow? I have a couple study free days ahead of me and I want to make the most of them.



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Three - April 8th, 2009

hehehehe; very mature, I know.

No time to update. Exam tomorrow. Need to study.

I didn't do anything overly exciting today anyway.
Just ate a ton of Formosa and watched Lost at Laura's instead of studying, it was a good choice.



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Three - April 7th, 2009

This morning I helped take pictures of a Doctor in the AVC giving chiropractic therapy to a horse. My job is so weird sometimes.

I also helped Sarah move out of her apartment this afternoon. It was a pretty big job, she rented a U-Haul and everything! Did you know its only $20 dollars to rent one of those big trucks? I kinda want to rent one, just for kicks. Anyway, it was kinda sad to see her move out of there; she had a few fun parties at that little place. At the same time I think it was time she left.

Back to paper writing.



Monday, April 6, 2009

Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-Two - April 6th, 2009

I don't have much time and I don't have too much to say.
Worked on my paper all day, so I didn't do anything exciting.


Exciting I know. We are almost free though! Just another couple weeks!

In the meantime everyone should watch some Chi-City videos. I never get tired of this guy.



Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-One - April 5th, 2009

Today was a complete write off.

After sleeping in until 12:30, I spent the rest of my day doing the following:

  • Watching youtube videos.
  • Reading Alchemy.
  • Cooking food.
  • Reading photo websites.

Most of the day was spent reading the above book though, which is definitely a terrible idea during exam time. I just can't get it out of my head that a month from today I will be on a plane, with four of my best friends, headed for another continent. I thought being addicted to Tetris during exam time in first semester was bad for the work ethic, its got nothing on planning a trip to Europe.



Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day Twenty

Day Twenty - April 4th, 2009

Hearing from a totally irreputable source on the internet that there was a minuscule possibility that the Frosty Treat was open, we decided to go on an adventure.

It was a sunny and warm afternoon, so Kate, Laura, Isaac, Connor and I ventured to Kensington to get some ice cream at the Frosty Treat. Known for its delicious soft-serve ice cream, diner food, and annoying commercials ("Don't drive by! Drive in!"), The Frosty Treat has become a favourite of anyone within an hour drive of Kensington.

We weren't going to miss an opportunity to go there on such a nice day. but by the time we had gotten close to Kensington the sun had left and was replaced by some dreary clouds that were definitely foreshadowing the fact that Frosty Treat would be closed. Seeing this once we arrived we changed our game plan and booked it to Summerside in search of Micheal's Pizzeria. After a couple calls and some u-turns we found the place and put in an order for a giant pizza. Having twenty minutes to spare we wondered around the bustling city center that is Downtown Summerside. On our walk we discovered stickers advertising, were made fun of for taking pictures, and were belatedly April fooled (we think) by the Baptist church. It was an interesting walk to say the least. The Pizza was pretty good too.

Later that night I picked up my friend Bethany and we headed downtown to see 'The Lesson' at the Guild. It was a one act play put on by a local theatre troupe called Sheep-for-Wheat. It was hilarious, dark, and very well orchestrated. Chris, Meaghan, and Kelsey put on a very convincing performance. Major props.

Even later that night I met up with Katie, Tristan, Chris, and Jeff and drove out to Al Doug's for his birthday party. It was whitetrash/southern style themed; this made for some interesting costumes, especially Tristan's :S *shutters*. Jeff decided on the spot to become a southern baptist minister and I became the liberal vegetarian cousin from New York who was in town for a family reunion. I couldn't find my cutoff jean shorts, so it had to do. It was a good time, but I was definitely ready to go once 3:00am rolled around and everyone seemed sufficiently drunk.



Friday, April 3, 2009

Day Nineteen

Day Nineteen - April 3rd, 2009

Laura and I are serious about taking pictures.

My apologies for not having a picture attached to this post. I had actually taken all sorts of pictures today, but I left my camera/kitbag in the office at school, so that I wouldn't drunkenly break something. Don't fret though, once I get my camera back, I will edit the picture into this post.

Today was long and tiring, but I had a lot of fun. In one day I managed to go to the dentist, get a filling, take pictures with Laura down at peakes quay, dress sharp, attend the UPEISU banquet, catch THT's set at the cafe, hang out with Katie Darrah and co., and go to hunter's for Brenton's birthday.

Tomorrow night should be fun too. We're going to see The Lesson at the guild, followed by AlDougs birthday party maybe? Hmm? Yeah? We'll see.



Edit: edited for picture.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day Eighteen

Day Eighteen - April 2nd, 2009

Last class cupcakes, deliciously provided by Darrah.

Besides work and hanging out with Laura, these are some things that I did today:

-Finished my third year of classes at UPEI.
-Ate so much DQ.
-Witnessed Jeff'm trying to throw up on K-Rock
-Watched almost an entire season of ANTM (skipping over the drama/reality crap).

Productive day Patrick, good job. After Saturday I am really going to have to study, but until then...

More reality TV!



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day Seventeen

Day Seventeen - April 1st, 2009

I think it was somewhere between pumping coins into that contraption at BK trying to score some free sodas and photocopying our hand prints at Walmart that Jill and I realized we don't act normal for our age. No biggie.

I'll let Jill take care of this entry, I think she summed up my day fairly well.

April 1st- Give Away Your Money Day v.2
Patrick and I have made this a tradition. We hit up Burger King and won small fries and a large softdrink playing their coin game. Then we went to Jumbo (saw Mallory!) and got free popcorn, a bunch of gumballs (no free rentals), a spongebob sticker, and put a bunch of dough in the Children's Wish donation boxes. Theeeen we went through the McDonalds drive-thru twice and put money in their Ronald McDonald House slots that are right under the windows. Then we bought 5-cent candies, through money in a kindergarden yard, made photocopies of our hands, left them in an abandoned binder (owner: Katie Hood). We also threw a lot of money out the window.
Also, unrelated to giving money away, but related to getting stuff for free, this morning I got a free slice-a-pizza and a free movie rental from That's Entertainment just for being in the Student Center. Big day!

Those kindergarten kids are going to thing they struck gold tomorrow. In case you were wondering what 'Give away your money day v2' is, you should check out Jillian's Holiday Calendar. It provides a lot of fun adventures, like the one we took today. It ruled.

Other things that ruled today:

-The haircut Laura gave me.
-Finishing my Entrepreneurship class.
-Melcat april fooling me by telling me my jeans were red. She got me good!

