I first heard The Weakerthans in the fall of 2003 when my friend Caitlin sent me a song off of their then new album Reconstruction Site. I fell in love with that CD, and I have long since fallen for the rest of their albums, especially Left & Leaving. I can safely say, without a doubt, that they are my favourite band. There are a few bands that nearly beat them out, but The Weakerthans have earned their spot at the top. There is something special about them that I can't quite put my finger on. I think it is mainly the lyrics that get me, every song seems to tell a story and the way John sings them is amazing. Over the past five years I have missed out on several opportunities to see them live, coming soooo close, but my plans always fell through. So, you could understand my excitement when I found out they were going to be playing in Charlottetown 5 days after my birthday. I had never been more excited to see a band play in my life. Going into the show I knew that no matter how awful they were I wouldn't be disappointed, but I must say, without being biased, that it was one of the best shows I have ever witnessed. The set list was incredible, the band played incredibly well, and the crowd was fantastic. Except for the one guy that punched me in the eye, but he was a douche, and I didn't let that bother me. Nothing could have ruined that set. Hopefully, if all goes well, I may get to see them tomorrow night in Sackville. That would rule.
As for the guy that punched me, I'm not really sure what happened there. One minute I was singing along to Plea from a Cat Named Virtue, and the next there was a guy being a drunken dolt to Mallory, Jeremy, and Jen. He kept running into them and singing in their faces. I told him to cool his jets, but instead he just got right up in my face and pinched my neck really hard, and then went on about how he wanted to taste my tinny blood :S. To be fair, it was a lyric from the song, but he kept repeating it to the point where it was creepy as fuckkkkk. I then told him to eff off, and to leave us alone, because we wanted to watch the show. Instead of being a nice guy, he decided to put his hand in front of the lens of my camera in order to further prove how much of an idiot he was. At this point I was furious, and being the rebel rouser I am, I told him to fuck off once more. Then out of nowhere he punched me in the eye; nearly breaking my glasses. As quick as he was being dragged out by security, I was back to watching my favourite band playing one of my favourite songs. I would also like to point out how much I appreciate all of my friends jumping in to defend my honour, haha, it was pretty swell. Especially Woodsie, who punched an 'iceberg' (snowbank) in my defence. Heroes, the lot of you.
All in all it was a great and very memorable night. I will never forget the first time I saw the Weakerthans or the first time I got punched in the face.
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