This afternoon I was asked by Jeff and Connor to take pictures of their Organizational Behaviour group; for some sort of presentation they were working on. It was actually a lot more fun than it sounds. The one above is a picture of Jeff climbing the corporate ladder of success. There were also pictures of him being fired, finding out his wife was pregnant, and one of him ballin' like Kanye with loads of Monopoly Money.
After taking pictures we spent the afternoon trying to round up enough people to drive to Sackville to see The Weakerthans, again. Luckily, we found just enough people, with about 15 minutes to spare. Once the van was gassed up and snacks were bought, Jeff'm, Mallory, Jen, Connor, Mikey, Steve Brown and I left town at about 6:15. We spent the drive eating food and laughing at how ridiculous the Confederation Bridge radio station is. Seriously, next time you drive over the bridge, change the radio to 93.9FM. Jeff'm said it best: "It's like a radio station with ADD." Once we got out of range of Confederation Bridge Radio we set our sights on Sackville, and wondered if we would be able to get tickets or not. We called ahead earlier and they told us that there were roughly 20 tickets available at the door and that doors would be opening at 8:30.
We arrived at around 8:15 to see a line of people standing at the door to George's. Fearing the worst, we ran to the line just in time to fill the last 20 or so spots. We bought our tickets, and then headed to Mel's Tea House. We ate some delicious greasy food and Mikey performed some sweet magic tricks. While we were there we ran into Jess Palmer and Willie McQuaid, that was pretty great as well. Feeling content, we headed back to the show around 10:00, just in time to see
Rebekha Higgs play. She was great, her music was awesome and she was a babe too.
The Constantines played next, and they put on another good show, but I was more entertained by Jeff, Jen and Mallory trying to build a damn to protect themselves from the drink the lead singer carelessly spilt on the stage. Nothing could prepare me for the next set. Even though it was our second time seeing
The Weakerthans in two days, I couldn't help but be blown away. The venue was so much more intimate than the night before. We were right up front, the stage was much lower than the wave, and we could pretty much reach out and touch John K Samson. We got him to sing a song from Anne of Green Gables (he is a big fan apparently), coerced him into playing My Favourite Power Chords, and Steve Brown actually got to go on stage and play a solo with his guitar. It was incredible.
After having our minds blown for the second night in a row we decided it was about time we called it a night and hit the snow covered, windy, sketchy road back to Charlottetown. Arriving just after 4:30am.
It was a great night/early morning.